
Hydrochloric acid

Hydrochloric acid is a solution of chlorine hydride in water; strong monoacid. The formula is HCl.

The product line of Trade House Bashkhim includes synthetic, waste, inhibited and reactive hydrochloric acids.

Synthetic hydrochloric acid is used in the chemical, medical, food industries, non-ferrous and iron metallurgy.

The product is carried in special 42–70 ton rubberized cisterns, polymer barrels, containers.

Guaranteed shelf life is not limited.

The synthetic hydrochloric acid has a Compliance Certificate and an Application Certificate for the product to be used in technologic processes of oil recovery and transport.

The product has been registered in the Potentially Hazardous Chemical and Biological Substances Register of the RF.

Technical synthetic hydrochloric acid is regulated by GOST 857-95 and has the following physical and chemical indicators: 

Waste hydrochloric acid is used in the chemical industry for acidification of brine in production of caustic acid, production of regenerated hydrogen chloride, obtainment of metal chlorides, in iron and non-ferrous metallurgy for skimming oxide film from metal surface in the process of metal leaching from ores; in other industry sectors – for cleaning boilers and chemical water treatment not connected with potable water supply.

Transportation is in special 42–70 ton rubberized cisterns, and also in the consumer’s containers: clean, corrosion-proof for the product.

Guaranteed shelf life is 1 year from the manufacture date.

A Compliance Certificate has been issued for the waste hydrochloric acid.The product has been registered in the Potentially Hazardous Chemical and Biological Substances Register of the RF.

Hydrochloric acid produced from waste gases of organochlorine production is regulated by TU 2122-247-00203312-2005 and has the following physical and chemical indicators: 

Inhibited hydrochloric acid is used for picking of iron and non-ferrous metals and items made of them, acid treatment of oil wells, chemical treatment of boilers and devices from deposits of various compositions, including carbonate ones. Inhibited hydrochloric acid has no destructive effect on metal itself.

Transportation of hydrochloric acid is possible by railway and road transport. The product is transported in special 42–70 tons rubberized cisterns, rubberized tank trucks. There is a possibility of packaging in cubic medium size containers consisting of a plastic tank with dimensions of 1,200 х 1,000 х 1,175 (h) mm, wall thickness (2.0±1) mm, metal grating of welded thermally galvanized steel pipes, with a capacity of 100 dm3. Using other packaging ensuring safety and quality of the product is admitted on agreement with the customer.

Guaranteed shelf life is 1 year after manufacture.

A Compliance Certificate and an Application Certificate of the product have been issued for the inhibited hydrochloric acid to be used in technologic processes of oil recovery and transport.

The product has been registered in the Potentially Hazardous Chemical and Biological Substances Register of the RF.

Inhibited hydrochloric acid is regulated by TU 2122-205-00203312-2000 and has the following physical and chemical indicators: 

Reactive hydrochloric acid is used as a reactive in radiotechnical, electronic, pharmaceutical and food industries.

Hydrochloric acid is transported by railway and road transport. It is packaged in 31.5 dm3 polyethylene barrels, polyethylene canisters (as agreed with the consumer), in 42–60 tons steel rubberized railway cisterns, consumer’s packaging: clean, corrosion-proof for the product.

Guaranteed shelf life is 1 year from the manufacture date.

A Compliance Certificate has been issued for the reactive hydrochloric acid.

The product has been registered in the Potentially Hazardous Chemical and Biological Substances Register of the RF.

Reactive hydrochloric acid is regulated by GOST 3118-77 and has the following physical and chemical indicators: 

Reactive hydrochloric acid
Waste hydrochloric acid
Hydrochloric acid synthetic
Inhibited hydrochloric acid

Hydrochloric acid

Inhibited hydrochloric acid is used for etching metals, clearing oxidized layers, removal of scale and inorganic deposits in boilers and technologic units.